RASHI: Journal of the Society for Application of Statistics in Agriculture and Allied Sciences (SASAA)

Guideline to author

Manuscript with significant findings are welcome with the declaration from the authors that the contents have not been simultaneously submitted or published in any other technical and scientific journal.

  1. The article should preferably be relating to the research work carried out during the last five years.
  2. All the authors must be the member of the Society.
  3. The manuscript should conform to the S.I. system for numerical data and data should be subjected to appropriate statistical analysis. All the articles will be subjected to peer reviewing. These will be sent back to the authors along with referee’s comments for revision.
  4. Decision of the Editorial Board is final.
  5. Authors are solely responsible for the scientific contents of the article.
  6. The manuscript and all communications relating to the publications in journal should be addressed to the Chief Editor, RASHI, Department of Agricultural Statistics, Faculty of Agriculture, BCKV, Mohanpur-741252
  7. Authors should provide the names and full address along with telephone and E-mail ID of two experts from outside the state/province and two from outside the country in the relevant field of research.
  8. Reprints: No reprints of the published article will be supplied by post to the authors.
  9. Processing fee: Along with the manuscript, processing fee of Rs. 500 be sent in the form of M.O./Bank Draft/Money transfer UNITED BANK OF INDIA , BCKVV Branch, IFSC Code – UTBI0BCKC16, Account No : 0759010135641,.  in favor of the Secretary/Treasurer, Society for Application of Statistics in Agriculture and Allied Sciences.
  10. Book review: The Editorial Board of the RASHI invites recently published books for review. The books will be reviewed by the eminent teachers/scientists of the respective discipline. Authors and Publishers are requested to send the book for review to the Editor, RASHI, Department of Agricultural Statistics, Faculty of Agriculture, BCKV, PO. Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Mohanpur-741252, West Bengal, India.

Manuscript should be typed in double space with 2.5 cm margin on all sides and in clean and concise English using TIMES NEW ROMAN FONT of 12 point. The length should not exceed 15 and 5 pages for full length paper and short communication respectively. Manuscript should directly be sent to the editor as an e-mail attachment at the e-mail address [email protected] followed by a post copy to the Chief Editor, RASHI, Department of Agricultural Statistics, Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Mohanpur-741252, Nadia, West Bengal along with a processing fee of Rs. 500/- (Five hundred only). At the bottom of the first page, Telephone number, Fax number and e-mail ID of the corresponding author should be provided. The original article, revised article should be returned in duplicate hard copies and a soft copy in CD or e-mail.
Title: It should be short, specific and informative
Name of author(s): Indicate corresponding author with superscript numerals along with e-mail address (must).
Address: Address of the institution(s) where the research was undertaken.
Key words: 5-6 keywords suitable for indexing, should be given in alphabetical order.
Abstract: It should be brief (not exceeding 150 words) informative and should highlights finding of the work done. Abbreviation should be avoided in the abstract.
Introduction: A brief introductory paragraph explaining the objective of the paper with pertinent review of research work should be provided.
Materials and methods: It should provide adequate information on the materials used, techniques followed, year and location of experiment and design and statistical methods employed for the collection and analysis of data.
Results and discussion: It should be combined to avoid repetitions. The significance of the results in relation to other relevant published works should be highlighted in the discussion. Same data should not be presented in table and figure simultaneously. The article should end with definite conclusion drawn from the results obtained.
Table: Each table should be concise and typed on separate page. Horizontal and vertical lines should not be marked within the table. Use TAB key inside the table is strictly prohibited.
Equation: Equations or mathematical/statistical symbols can be entertained only if these are done using MATHTYPE software.
Photographs: Photographs should be in JPEG or TIFF format with 300DPI resolution.
Graphs: Graphs should be in editable XLS format with backup data file.
Acknowledgement: If any, should be brief.

  1. Journal: Wiley, P. and Fine, T.L. 1982. Towards a frequentist theory of upper and lower probability. Ann. Stat., 10: 741–61.
  2. Book: Gomez, K.A. and Gomez, A.A. 1984. Statistical Procedures for Agricultural Research, John Willey & Sons, New York Inc. pp. 680.
  3. Chapter in a book: Kozai, T. 1991. Micropopagation under photo autotropic conditions. InMicropropagation : Technology and Application (Eds.) Kluwer Academic Pub., Dordrecht, pp. 447-69.
  4. Thesis: Jeyalakshi, C. 1998. Studies on fruit rot of chillied (Capsicum annuum). M.Sc (Ag) Thesis, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbator, pp. 120-25.
  5. Proceedings: Von Uexkul, H.R. 1985. Potassium nutrition of some tropical plantation crops. ProcIntlSympon Potassium in April.7-10 July, 1985, Atlanta. pp. 929-24.

 Declaration by the corresponding author:

  1. that the article is an original work carried out by the authors
  2. that the work is done within the previous five years of the submission
  3. that the work is in no way contravenes the publication ethics of the journal
  4. that the article or any portion of it is not submitted or under consideration of publication in any form by any other journal, book etc.
  5. that there is no conflict of interest among the authors or any other individual or organisation etc.
  6. that while preparing the manuscript copying and or plagiarizing has been avoided
  7. that sources of financial/intellectual and other helps have been duly acknowledged
  8. copyright of the article (if published) and license for reproduction (other than the authors) will be vested on the SASAA


Signature of the Corresponding Author